Immune response to drug treatments: adverse reactions, chemical and biomolecular bases, regulatory impact on the drug development process.

Prof. Cordeiro is a renowned immunologist who has performed research at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. She continued and still collaborates with the Institute. She is working in Porto University and in the International IBMC  research center where she leads one of the best efficient teams working in the field of parasitology and immunology. She is an advisor of the EMA vaccine approval process and other immunological drugs.

She won the Unimore competition for Visiting scientists due to her frontier topic presentation for students at the highest education level (final year of the degree courses and PhD school).  Her teaching is supported with a specific grant by our University.  

The Lectures are by invitation only, on a closed circuit web-platform such as Microsoft Teams that is the UNIMORE teaching site with all the material available.

For further information contact Prof. Maria Paola Costi.

Lectures Prof. Anabela Cordeiro