Riccardo Caraffi – XXXVIII cycle
Francesca Miselli – XXXVIII cycle
Lucia Palandri – XXXVIII cycle
Carla Pezzuoli – XXXVII cycle
Teresa Urbano – XXXVI cycle
Expert Advisory Committee
The Expert Advisory Committee is in charge of a systematic assessment of the educational and scientific activity of the doctoral program, focusing on its comprehensiveness, on its methodological quality, and on the capacity to produce highly qualified scientific products (papers, patents, innovative technologies, etc.), and to enhance the employability of the PhD students after obtaining the PhD degree, either in the public or the private sector; of the periodic monitoring of the Program; of the identification of the best opportunities to support the scientific activity of the doctoral students and to select additional highly-qualified faculty. The Quality group and the Director of the CEM PhD program has already started to periodically interact with the Board of Advisors.
Students can interact via email with members of the committee to submit papers of particular relevance, adding the email to the CC recipients.