The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Program in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, administratively affiliated with the Department of  Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences, is a three-year research training programme that includes conduct of a research project under the guidance of one or more Faculty member supervisors. This training opportunity requires an in-person presence and is not offered via distance learning. The primary aim is to enable a doctoral candidate to carry out independent, highly innovative scientific research whose results will be published in high quality scientific journals that are widely disseminated within the scientific community. The ultimate goal of the training is to ensure scientific excellence and to foster an academic career and/or research employment in high-level national and international institutions in the candidate’s chosen biomedical field. The Faculty of the Program, include renowned scientists from Italy and many other countries who welcome students from all parts of the world and from a broad range of graduate studies. The educational opportunities of this PhD Program favor the acquisition of skills required for both basic, clinical and public health research at UNIMORE, frequently in collaboration with scientific institutions in other parts of the world. The programme has a strong focus on methodological (study and result interpretation), ethical, linguistic and informatic expertise and skills.

Pulsante con Stili Inline

Cell Biology

Translational Medicine

Public Health

Pulsante con Stili Inline