Is now online the call for applications for the PhD program in Clinical and Experimental Medicine,.
Public Health seminar
Public Health seminar
“Training the next generation of
epidemiologists in the United States: the case of Boston University” – Prof. Lauren A. Wise
PhD Degree
Clinical and Experimental Medicine
PhD Degree will be held on 19th May 2023 – 09.30
Lecture Hall “Aula Magna”
Didactic Center of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery – 71 Del Pozzo street, Modena
CEM Spring School – Prof. Dario Consonni course
Residential course on “Research Methodology in the Biomedical Field” Ist edition.
12-14 April 2023.
Abbazia Matildica di Marola, Via del Seminario, 12, 42033 Marola di Carpineti (RE).